Monday, March 12, 2007

Things I love:

Love and the Symposium:
My best friend Ine Fahle lives in Oslo, Norway. We've had several discussions about how Americans throw around the word "love". Just listen to other peoples coversations: "I freakin love ____" is a commonly used phrase. By throwing around the word "love" it looses it's value. Ine said that there are two words for love, one refers to family and the other refers to life partners and true love. But she can count on two hands the number of times that she has said "love" to her parents, and she's never told a boy that.
So, even though I throw around the word love, knowing that I don't mean it, I've decided to set the reccord strait. These are the things and people in life that I do love:
Snow; warm showers; waffles with peanut butter and syrup; sandwiches; early morning runs; the early morning; new clothes; dressing up; compliments; sweatpants; vegging out with my boyfriend; my boyfriend; my sister; my dad; my mom; my brother; my friend Ine; my friend Anna; skiing; racing; apples; fresh bread; and The Blind Assasin. (it's a book).

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