I have a personal reason for identifying with the Symposium story of soul-mates. The story goes that in the begginning, people were attatched to eachother. Really, though, we only think of them as attatched. They were whole. There were men, women, and androgynous beings. But the gods couldn't handle the humans so they were split down the middle and sewed up. The belly-button is where they were attatched. Now we are all looking for our other half, male or female depending upon who we used to be.
I like this story because ever since I was young I have played with my belly-button. I pet it, and find it soothing. I used to, and still do, do this when my tummy hurts. My boy friend thinks it's weird. I don't blame him.
But this is why I like the story.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
So, like every person I've spoken to so far, I loved the movie 300. Due to my experiences in Classical Lit class, however, I'd like to think that I enjoyed it a little more than most. First of all, it was a myth, mythos, a tale. One told by the sole survivor of the 300 men. The actions of all characters were enhanced as in a tale, the wolf's eyes, for example, the ugly old priests on the mountain, and the height of the Persian King are only a few examples of the mythic quality of the movie. They also mentioned "hubris" the tragic downfall that comes from assumed greatness and imperviousness. In short, assuming you are a god and are not suseptable to the pitfalls of humanity. I liked that part.
The King of Sparta faced the delima of Individual vs Society because he could not disobey the oracle or the counsil's decision to hold a festival to the gods instead of defending hearth and home, yet he did. And that is why he fought with 300 "volunteers" instead of the army.
His wife faced the battle of Man vs Woman because she was not welcomed to speak in the arena on her husband's behalf soley based on her sex. She could also not fight with him nor ask him not to.
The general who lost his son went mad when he died. So he was haunted by the dead.
In short, though it's not "factual"...and what good story is?...300 was a good movie with many classical elements.
The King of Sparta faced the delima of Individual vs Society because he could not disobey the oracle or the counsil's decision to hold a festival to the gods instead of defending hearth and home, yet he did. And that is why he fought with 300 "volunteers" instead of the army.
His wife faced the battle of Man vs Woman because she was not welcomed to speak in the arena on her husband's behalf soley based on her sex. She could also not fight with him nor ask him not to.
The general who lost his son went mad when he died. So he was haunted by the dead.
In short, though it's not "factual"...and what good story is?...300 was a good movie with many classical elements.
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